Joana Amaral Dias is a clinical psychologist, a University Professor, an activist and the author of several works in which she employs the tools and the knowledge she has from psychology and Politics to read and interpret the world. The author is now launching her new book Psicopatas Portugueses, edited by Oficina do Livro. The presentation was in charge of the writer Mário Cláudio, on July, 11th and it took place at Leya, Latina, in Porto. This is also a work of forensic psychology and it seeks to reveal how much complex is the murderer, an intricate phenomenon that occurs in the context of an immense multitude of personal and cultural factors. Joana Amaral Dias analyses 13 cases that present different mental pathologies and different psychological profiles, so as to encompass all or almost all the clinical spectrum and at the same time allowing the reader to contact with mental conditions and very diverse social settings. This work is fully not recommended for under 18 year olds nor any sensitive minds.