· CEO of Herdade da Malhadinha Nova · · T. Joana Rebelo · P. Rights Reserved

Rita Soares

«Being a woman is (…) dividing yourself into many women without ceasing to be one»

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Managing time and prioritising is the secret to the versatility of Rita Soares, the high-flying woman who sees simplicity as the key to happiness. Because she loves people so much, she took a degree in education - her intense curiosity and empathetic nature led her down this path, but when she had finished her degree, other options arose and she decided to embrace her husband’s business. Three decades have now passed, with Herdade da Malhadinha Nova and Garrafeira Soares under her care, and Rita has never stopped looking after... her family, her customers, her team and herself. Success hounds her, as does her desire to be more. As a mother of four and a business manager with a long history and tradition, she has enough time in the 24 hours of the day to complete her arts degree, a passion that has complemented her essence even more. With us, Rita Soares and her art of hospitality.
You say you love people and that was one of the reasons you took a degree in education, but you ended up taking a different path in life...
Because I love people so much and because I believe that education at an early age is crucial, I chose to study nursery education. At the time, there were three options on the scales - nursery education, child psychology or special education - and I think any of them would have prepared me for dealing with people and for proper training. After graduating, I decided to help my husband grow his parents’ company, at the time a small wine and spirits shop in the Algarve, which is now one of the largest drinks companies in Portugal. More recently, I’ve been studying art, a passion of mine. 

More than three decades later, the family business continues to expand steadily. What have been the biggest challenges and achievements along this journey?
The greatest challenges are the people, how we get them to feel the same motivation and commitment, to build loyalty and to be an active part of the company’s growth.
The achievements are immense, we have built solid and prosperous companies that are recognised and sustainable, and a beautiful family that we would love to see carry on the legacy. That’s why we work with a strong focus on their strength and consistency. 

What is the most striking thing about a guest’s experience when they first come into contact with Herdade da Malhadinha Nova?
What is most striking is the place itself and the unique, unspoilt nature, which today covers 610 hectares and goes hand in hand with sustainability. The Herdade da Malhadinha Nova project involves investment and dedication in the areas that make it up - economic, environmental and social - and the preservation of a perfect ecosystem made up of holm oak groves, traditional olive groves, wheat fields, oat fields and natural grasslands. It includes the restoration of existing buildings with great respect for traditional architecture; the planting of vines; native animal species; the certified Alentejo cow; the black and white merino sheep; the black pig and the thoroughbred Lusitano horse, all of which have protected designations of origin. Today, organic production is self-sufficient, so we have certified wine, olive oil, honey, various cereals, cows, sheep and black Iberian pigs. The fruit and vegetables served in the restaurant are also heading towards self-sufficiency.
In addition to all these improvements over 25 years, Malhadinha is part of an area protected by the Natura 2000 Network and is therefore considered a National Agricultural Reserve (RAN), a National Ecological Reserve (REN) and a local reserve, belonging to the Castro Verde Special Preservation Zone (ZPE), which safeguards the conservation of bird species and their habitats. It is, in fact, the perfect, balanced ecosystem that most impresses visitors. 

Winery, hotel, livestock and agricultural production are all areas that make up the estate’s daily life. Is it complex to run a business of this scale? 
Yes, it is complex. They are very different businesses within the Malhadinha universe and all of them have a huge focus on the highest quality, but as we are all passionate about each of them it becomes simpler. 

How do you attract workers in a village with 500 inhabitants in the Lower Alentejo?
Looking after and motivating more than a hundred employees is a challenge, but just as we look after our customers, we also look after our teams. That’s the secret: caring... 

What are the next steps for Garrafeira Soares in the wine sector?
In 2021, we acquired a property in the Serra de São Mamede (Portalegre) and the wines produced there are already on the market. As I said, our current strategy involves the consistency and evolution of the organisation. We want our companies to be solid and healthy, with deep roots that will lead to greater longevity, without forgetting our commitment to innovation, which is also a priority.

«I see myself passing on the legacy to the younger generations»
Art is an important aspect of your life. How is it necessary in your life and at what moments does it prove important in the course of your work?
The quest to identify with culture in our companies led me to invest in artistic training. I believe in creative management, as well as the fact that the arts can be an excellent ally for achieving greater success in management. I also believe that companies can become more solid and interesting if they invest in the culture and tradition of the region or country. At Malhadinha, I always say «there is no luxury without culture». 

You are a mother of four, CEO of Malhadinha Nova and you also take care of Garrafeira Soares. Are the 24 hours in a day enough for so many responsibilities?
It’s about managing time, prioritising and being fully aware that «Rome was not built in a day». As far as the family is concerned, we’re very close, born entrepreneurs, dedicated and passionate, so it’s easy... We’re also very lucky.  

As a full-time entrepreneur, do you regret anything you’ve neglected in favour of work?
No. There are few things I would do differently and I believe the secret lies in taking your time, prioritising and adjusting. I think the ability to adapt to change is truly essential.

Where and how do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
I see myself quietly passing on the legacy to the younger generations. 

What does being a woman mean to you?
To be a woman is to have the capacity to believe, to walk, to cherish, to enchant... dividing yourself into many women without ceasing to be one, the most important one. 

What are women fighting for today?
For respect and the chance to contribute to a better world.
Joana Rebelo
T. Joana Rebelo
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