· Gourmet · · T. Maria Cruz · P. Pedro Kirilos

Restaurante O Victor

Flavours that last forever

Villas&Golfe Adv. PUB HOMES IN HEAVEN Adv.
Vidago Villa Adv.
PMmedia Adv Adv.
The traditional delicacies of the region are enjoyed under the branches of the vines. And the fact that so many of the ingredients used at O Victor restaurant, in Póvoa de Lanhoso, Braga, are locally sourced, makes choosing all the more difficult. On one hand there is the famous dish of Bacalhau com batata ao murro – codfish with baked potatoes that tempts our eyes and palate, on the other hand, the Costela de Vitela Barrosã (Barrosã Veal Chop) or Bife de Boi (Ox Steak) and Cabrito da aldeia (goat speciality) – both by advance order only –, also  make our mouths water. Faced with this dilemma, the best thing is: go, try, and definitely come back.
They have long lost count of the famous figures who have had the opportunity to experience this place, not forgetting, of course, Senhor Victor, the famous figure of the eatery itself. For almost 50 years he has served what he knows and does best: traditional gastronomy. Jorge Amado - one of the best Brazilian writers of all time - has eaten here on numerous occasions, the portraits on the main dining room’s wall (the one under the vines) tell us stories. And there are many.
The story of this house goes back a long way. It began when Senhor Victor’s father, João Peixoto, opened the grocery store in the village, in 1935. It was just a grocer’s, but it soon became a tavern, and even though it was small, it was also where his parents lived and where Senhor Victor has always lived. Later, in 1971, with his father's permission, Mr. Victor started to change the concept from tavern to restaurant. What is certain is that since then, and since he took over the business, nothing has changed in the gastronomy, only the years have passed and today Senhor Victor, although there seems to be a sparkle in his eyes and youth in his thinking, when he tells us about his space, his body reveals the fatigue of the passing of time. But he is still there, serving as he always has. With the same charm. And with the support of his daughters, Angelina and Olga, his two ‘right arms’ successfully continuing the restaurant’s good name.
«O Victor restaurant celebrates its 50th  anniversary in 2021»
This said, now it’s time to travel for miles, if necessary, to enter the O Victor, to smell the dried cod, which is hanging right in the entrance – where the old grocery shop once was, where they sold, and continue to sell, cod, because in the old days, «in the hard times of these villages there was no fish, but there was dried codfish. And my father, when he opened the grocery shop, made sure to have very good codfish. So, from then on, we still have faithful customers that, even today, come to buy the codfish here, mainly for Christmas,» Senhor Victor tells us -; then, you just have to walk towards the vine, to be welcomed by the smiling octogenarian of the house, and see the codfish balls, the baked chouriço, the regional cheese and the regional alheira sausage arriving at the table, as a welcome. And then?! Then you just have to wait for the main course to fill your soul and satisfy you. And, in the end, you just have to sweeten your palate with the bread pudding or the leite creme custard. Ah, one more thing, this eatery is open seven days a week. Enjoy your meal!
Maria Cruz
T. Maria Cruz
P. Pedro Kirilos
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