· Queli Henriques, founder of QClinic and Mara Mota, Co-Founders · · T. Joana Rebelo · P. André Rolo

Queli Henriques e Mara Mota

«Health is the foundation, aesthetics is the perfecting»

Villas&Golfe Adv. PUB HOMES IN HEAVEN Adv.
Vidago Villa Adv.
PMmedia Adv Adv.
With the average life expectancy steadily increasing, people are increasingly looking for aesthetic procedures that allow their physical appearance to match their state of mind. Minor procedures to treat skin, localised fat and wrinkles have become commonplace and the word «wellness» has never been on the agenda more. Aesthetic procedures are indeed for everyone, but not everyone knows how to perform them to perfection. That’s why we want to introduce you to Queli Henriques and Mara Mota, the two faces of QClinic. Mastering both the most complex and the least invasive techniques, the pair have set up a unique clinic where dental medicine coexists harmoniously with aesthetics, offering a range of services that pay special attention to ageing. QClinic’s mission is not to change, but to improve the essence of those who come there. So far, the most requested procedure by the female clientele has been Botox, but men also feel the need to try the clinic’s existent treatments at the clinic. The clinic is in Póvoa de Varzim and is equipped with technologies to boost your self-esteem.
How did QClinic come about and how would you characterise it?
Queli: QClinic is not a «standard» aesthetic and dental medicine clinic, as the definition transcends all thestandards set by the sector. We want to provide patients with a complete treatment. Our vast experience in the dental sector is our base, but we have decided to also invest in the development and expansion of services in the field of aesthetic medicine, with special attention to «ageing well and with quality». We aspire to be the most sought-after clinic in the sector, with the best professionals and the most innovative treatments to provide the best care in the fields in which we operate. 

Where and how did you take your first steps in the world of healthcare?
Mara: We took our first steps in nationally and internationally renowned clinic groups, where we interacted with doctors who were renowned in their respective fields.
Queli: Mara and I both have a degree in dental medicine and, throughout our professional careers, we have invested in further training in the field of advanced aesthetic medicine. I specialise in implantology and orthodontics and Mara in regenerative and anti-ageing aesthetic medicine at Madrid’s Complutense University. We joined forces due to our shared vision for our professional field, and this is how the QClinic came into being. 

Where does health end and aesthetics begin?
Mara: Health is the foundation, aesthetics is the perfecting of health. 

QClinic is a holistic approach that focuses on the interconnection between health and well-being.What are the areas in which you work and how do you use cutting-edge technologies?
Mara: We use the latest technologies in order to provide greater comfort for the patient, without compromising on the results. We always look for the most complete treatments and the goal is a natural result. 

Is this project aimed at all ages and types?
Queli: Yes! Our clinical management reflects this very dichotomy, made up of two people from different generations and with different perspectives, but who complement each other in their goal. The clinical staff also follows the same line, with members of different ages and nationalities making up our team, who all bring new visions and knowledge. Ultimately, our mission is to restore self-esteem to men and women, without any barriers. 

What are the most popular aesthetic procedures for women?
Mara: Patients often come to us with a certain idea, but after the assessment consultation, we draw up a treatment plan that includes several procedures. However, if we had to choose just one, it would be Botox.

«The big difference lies in the small details»
At present, around 40% of QClinic’s clients are men. What makes men increasingly want to change their appearance?
Mara: Our philosophy is not to change, but to improve the appearance and bring out the essence of our patients. The reality is that, most of the time, men come to us by way of their female partners who visit the clinic. As the results of our procedures are very natural, they also want to try them out. 

As well as improving your client’s self-esteem and promoting a positive body image, the clinic is also dedicated to practising social responsibility...
Queli: Yes, we do feel the need to actively contribute to bringing about change wherever we can. Some of our patients have access to dental treatment, from braces to treatment for cavities. We try to provide the best possible care for the less privileged social classes. We often restore self-esteem that has been lost in the most traumatic processes, for example to victims of domestic violence. 

Which direction is the world of dentistry and aesthetics heading and, given this, what goals do you have for the clinic’s future?
Queli: We share the view that aesthetic medicine and dentistry are increasingly becoming a part of wellness and anti-aging, in order to promote quality aging. Looking after our health and appearance leads to a series of «good practices» that ultimately lead to a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, in other words, a continuous process of self-care. The majority of our patients no longer come to us because of health issues or general dissatisfaction, but because they want to maintain ongoing care for a good state of existence. With this in mind, we are constantly looking for innovation, both in academic terms and in researching the most advanced technologies on the market.
Mara: Good training, combined with good clinical practice, is very important in our field. With this in mind, we intend to launch the QClinic Academy, so that we can share our knowledge and experience with other professionals in this field. With no secrets. And we are moving towards internationalization, with the opening of a clinic in Marocco this year.

«We restore self-esteem that has been lost in the most traumatic processes»

What makes you feel accomplished after treating a patient?
Mara: Seeing how positively patients look at themselves in the mirror. Often, patients arrive at the clinic depressed and, once the treatments have been completed, they notice a great improvement in their self-esteem. We come to realise that the big difference is in the small details and that sometimes a simple Botox injection can change the way a person sees themselves. 

What floats your boat when you’re not working?
Mara: I very much enjoy doing sport, especially playing padel tennis and running. I also enjoy travelling, good food, good wine and nature retreats.
Queli: I like drawing, travelling, cooking and walking my animals by the sea. 

What does being a woman mean for you?
Queli: To be a woman is to inhabit a universe of infinite possibilities, a constellation of strength, delicacy, resilience and determination. It means carrying the history of battles fought and victories won, both individually and collectively. It’s knowing how to challenge the limits imposed by society, break with pre-established patterns and create new paths. It’s being the protagonist of one’s own narrative, writing a story of empowerment and authenticity. 

What are women fighting for today?
Queli: Women are fighting for justice, equality and dignity for all.
Mara: This is a global and intergenerational battle, and it continues to motivate and mobilise women all over the world to unite for a fairer and more equal world.
Queli Henriques
Joana Rebelo
T. Joana Rebelo
P. André Rolo
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