Inaugurated on 5th July in Los Angeles, USA, the new massage Centre with virtual reality promises a relaxing experience wherever you wish... not leaving one’s place. The place was named Esqapes Immersive Relaxation Center, and it promises to be the first of its kind. In this centre, according to the site Engadget, ten different environments are provided and virtual reality is highlighted. The massage itself is given by the armchairs. The user sits on the Chair, puts the virtual reality headset and then just chooses one of the ten available environments. For those users who are able to totally concentrate, the armchairs vaporize certain fragrances, depending on the environment chosen. You can choose between a sauna, a pond with koi carp, a cosy fireplace, experience a relaxing massage in a cabin in the snow... or just experience the sea, a paradise resort. Virtual reality is becoming a reality, able to take us away, without taking a single step. The books can also do it, but it is certainly not the same thing.