· Markting Director of Eugénio Campos · · T. Joana Rebelo · P. André Rolo

Rafaela Campos

«Women fight for their happiness»

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More than three decades ago, Eugénio Campos lent his name to the jewellery brand that would become one of the best known in Portugal. In between, he blazed a trail and broke barriers, and life took care of giving him back twice as much. His family grew and today we meet Rafaela Campos, the successor who inherited her father’s passion. She is a full-time daughter, but during working hours she is the marketing director at Eugénio Campos. Forward-thinking and organised, Rafaela is all about the details, just like the jewellery she represents. She seems to have demanding, yet beautiful days, now that motherhood has come her way. With a degree in management and a master’s degree in fashion marketing, her humble nature is revealed when she says she doesn’t like to communicate based on titles, and we believe her, because communication is her business. Between the importance of a digital presence, trends in the sector and future projections, Rafaela tells us about the continuity she intends to give the company, preserving her father’s style but adding the young spirit necessary for the business to evolve.
Founded in 1987, Eugénio Campos continues to be a leading name among Portuguese jewellery boutiques. How important is it to know how to communicate a brand’s image?
Knowing how to communicate is crucial, as it directly affects the public’s perception of the brand. Effective communication helps to build an organisation’s reputation, to attract customers, to set itself apart from the competition and to generate buying decisions for the consumer. I believe that new generations of consumers will buy not just the product, but the whole image it conveys, the lifestyle it represents.  

How has the legacy of the jewellery business adapted to the new generations?
By keeping up to date with trends, not least because, as jewellery is part of the fashion world, constant adaptation is essential. We also focus on creating distinctive and irreverent products for young consumers, and even for other types of targets. The online aspect is equally important; in fact, online stores are no longer the future, they are the present. The digital world is what will make the big difference in the jewellery industry, as you can see from the young people who are hardly visiting traditional jewellery shops. So I think the best way to keep this sector going is to invest in digital. 

Who would you like to see wearing one of the brand’s signature pieces?
I’d say Beyoncé, who, as well as being an artist who adapts to any type of register, excels at low profile living and managing her work life balance well. I also admire the style she shows in her jewellery. Maybe one day she’ll wear Eugénio Campos... 

What is the profile of the woman who wears Eugénio Campos jewellery?
We create elegant and irreverent jewellery, so it’s for a woman with self-esteem who knows that jewellery really does complete a good look. She has attitude and elegance and understands that accessories make a difference, whether in an everyday outfit or for a special day.  

Is the female consumer still the main fan of jewellery or is there already more interest from men?
Women continue to be our main consumers, but we’re increasingly noticing that men are interested in completing their look with jewellery and watches. Eugénio Campos has also invested in men’s collections. At the last Portojóia, a national jewellery fair, we presented a vast collection dedicated to men, with a view to growing in this area. Although the focus remains on women, we work in both fields. 

What is being a woman for you?
Being a woman is challenging and magical at the same time. It’s being interesting and powerful in your own way. The role of a mother is also an enchanting experience; in fact, giving birth to life and being responsible for it... there’s nothing that beats that unconditional love. I feel very happy.

«Online stores are no longer the future, they are the present»
What are women fighting for today?
I could say that women are still fighting for gender equality, and that’s true, but you can already see a new generation of young women with a lot of drive in management positions. I’m proud to see women managing large groups and companies. In fact, we’re just starting to see the equality we’ve been fighting for so many years. But above all else, women are fighting for their own happiness, which is the most important thing.  

In 2022, Eugénio Campos joined MAMA HELP with the Pink October collection, with the aim of raising awareness in society as to the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. Is social responsibility one of the brand’s main areas of activity?
The partnership with MAMA HELP went very well. Eugénio Campos is increasingly trying to associate itself with brands of this nature. My father did this before, as you can see from the collections with Make-A-Wish and the Filhos do Coração Association, for example. The brand has always wanted to be involved in social responsibility and intends to continue doing so. Recently, it launched two necklaces in which 10% of the proceeds go to APAV; these products will be available not only during the month of International Women’s Day, but throughout the rest of the year, not least because every day is woman’s day.  

What challenges and successes have you encountered during your time at Eugénio Campos?
Running a brand that is already well-established in the market is a different experience, so I think most of the challenges have been dealt with by my father. But COVID-19 - I was already part of the team at the time - was a difficult period. Nowadays, one of the challenges we face is international competition. Although we’re the most widely recognised national brand, competing with international brands with much bigger advertising budgets is a challenge... Everything is a constant struggle, even keeping up with trends and the evolution of the area itself. 

Is it challenging to work in a family business?
Of course, it is. My father has always given me all the support I need, right from the outset. The advice he gives me, based on all his experience, is very important. One good thing is that we have different roles in the company. I, as marketing director, focus on online business and the brand’s image and communication, while my father is in charge of purchasing, haute joaillerie and developing the collections. I realise that many relationships break down at work because of differences of opinion, but we always try to reach an agreement.    

Do you expect to keep the company going?
Yes, I’m very proud that my father set up a brand that has been around for over 30 years and is now the best-known jewellery company on the market. I’m going to do everything I can to give Eugénio Campos the greatest value and prestige it so deserves. I also have a brother who I’m delighted to have join the team, and together we’ll continue the excellent work my father has done so far. With us, the brand will be able to grow even more, who knows, maybe even internationally.  

What are your goals for the near future?
As far as the company is concerned, I’d like it to grow more digitally. My focus is communication, and online moves our sector a lot. It’s a digital catalogue for the world, for the Portuguese market, hence the strong investment. We feel that everything we communicate on social media generates a return, so that’s the way forward... I want to continue making innovative collections, to think about a children’s collection, to develop an haute joaillerie collection with simple, elegant pieces in gold that suit all types of people... Eugénio Campos has always had many projects, even perfumes. So, we are indeed a brand with lots of ideas, up to date with trends and pioneers in the Portuguese sector.
On a personal level, combining personal and professional life is a challenge now that I’m a mother. Being a mother really is a full-time job, just as having a company is. So, I have to get this personal-professional relationship back on track, try to keep going with this company that I’m so proud of and never let my family down.
Joana Rebelo
T. Joana Rebelo
P. André Rolo
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