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On the crest of the wave

Villas&Golfe Adv. PUB HOMES IN HEAVEN Adv.
Vidago Villa Adv.
PMmedia Adv Adv.
Like a galaxy made up of millions and millions of stars, this is how Chanel’s latest surfboard looks, with just two differences: it’s immersed in pink and it dwells on the Earth. Surfing is about getting to know the currents, swells and winds. It’s about relieving stress, achieving balance, improving coordination and strengthening muscles. But it’s also the board that makes the surfer and, up until now, there have been no objections to this work of art from the luxury brand. Made up of polyurethane, fibreglass and dark pink polyamide, the water sports model balances quality and refinement, making it eye-catching in public.
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